Terms and Conditions
1. Our Aims
a. We aim to provide a service in line with our mission statement that meets the need for both parents, schools and children. This includes not only exploring and learning about the world of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, but creating an environment that is safe, supporting, encouraging and nurturing.
b. Those involved with Aveea are expected to give their support and encouragement to the aim of Aveea and uphold and promote its good name.
c. Aveea will ensure that appropriate standards of behaviour, discipline and hygiene are maintained.
2. Parents Responsibility
a. Sickness or Health Issues. Parents or guardians must inform Aveea if the child has any known medical conditions or health issues that could affect the way that our sessions are run. Parents/guardians must comply with the school exclusion guidelines set out by government officials. A child must not be brought to Aveea if unwell.
b. Welfare. Parents or guardians authorise Aveea to take all necessary action to safeguard and promote the welfare of the child. They also consent to emergency medical treatment if certified by a doctor, all attempts to contact parents/guardians ahead of any treatment shall be made if time persists.
c. Attendance. It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to sign their child out at the end of the session. They must notify Aveea and the school (if necessary) if their child is not going to attend.
d. Subscription to Aveea. All after school sessions must be booked via the School Gateway. If such a system does not exist at the school for a specific programme or event then payments would need to be made directly to Aveea in block sessions. Non-attendance will not be refunded. Normal sessions will run from 15:15 – 16:30. Dates that Aveea will run sessions will be in line with the school calendar. For sessions outside after school timing, such as holiday sessions (summer holidays and half term holidays) payment would be made online through a similar fashion. These sessions would normally run for the full day. Terms and conditions highlighted in this document still apply, unless stated otherwise.
e. Fees. If payment is not received from the school, Aveea reserves the right to cancel the child’s place and provide another child on the waiting list a position. No refund will be given for sessions that are only partly attended, nor will refunds be given if the child is absent, sick, or if the school decides to close their premises or restrict our access. In the event that the child is not collected after the session finishes, they will be sent to the After-School Club or Aftercare at the school. All necessary payment would have to be made to them in line with their Terms and Conditions. Persistent lateness of the child will result in their place being withdrawn.
f. Collection. Parents must collect their child at the end of the session, the time will be highlighted by the Aveea Leader. This is to ensure that the child fully understands the topic during the session, it is to also avoid disruption to the rest of the class. Our sessions are very dynamic and ran in a specific way to meet our mission. We ask parents to respect this and assist with our timings. Due to certain circumstances, a child may require finishing earlier than necessary, Aveea must be informed in advance to make all necessary arrangements.
g. Disclosures. Aveea must be notified in writing immediately of any changes in contact details or family situations. This includes any court orders or situations that may put the child in risk whereby special precautions may be needed. Parents also agree to inform Aveea of any information necessary to safeguard or promote their child’s welfare or avert the risk of harm to their child or other person. All information will be kept confidential in line with our Data Protection Policy.
h. Behaviour. We ask all children to ensure they behave in line with their school’s behavioural policy, if children ignore the rules set out within the school policy, their place within the academy may be removed.
i. Administration of Medicines. Staff do not administer medicine.
j. Medical Conditions. If there is an SEND requirement, Aveea must be informed in advance. If the child has one-on-one during school this will also be required at our Aveea Academy Sessions to ensure the best experience for the child.
k. Acceptance. Parents accept that frequent non-compliance of these terms may lead to their child’s position within the Aveea to be revoked. Gross negligence may lead to further action being taken.
3. Our Responsibility
a. Safeguarding. Aveea has a duty to report any significant concerns regarding the safety or wellbeing of a child to social services and relevant authority within the school. All information shall be kept confined and in line with our data protection policy. Our policy on safeguarding can be found on our website, please ensure that you are familiar with this.
b. Equal Treatment. Aveea welcomes staff and children from many different ethnic groups and backgrounds. Similarities and differences are valued and respected and all children are treated equally. Aveea will comply with The Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014 and will also do all that is reasonable to accommodate the needs of children with disabilities.
c. Accidents. All accidents that staff are made aware of, are documented in our accident book, the accident in question will be reported to the parent or guardian who collects the child. No information shall be disclosed to any third parties unless required by law.
d. Safe Environment. Aveea does not tolerance violence against our own staff or children and maintains a safe setting whereby no one feels abused, threatened, assaulted or receives any other harmful action. To ensure this, we will take all reasonable disciplinary or preventative action necessary to safeguard and promote the welfare of everyone involved at Aveea.
e. Insurances. Aveea undertakes to maintain those insurances which are prescribed by law. Aveea is covered by its own insurance.
f. Complaints. Aveea takes complaints very seriously, those who have cause for complaint in any relation to matters of quality, care or care must inform the Aveea Leader.
g. Data Collection. Aveea collects data on the performance of those who attend Aveea. We do this to better tailor our sessions to those who attend allowing us to improve our service to you. We provide this information with the school in line with our Data Protection Policy. We do this to allow the school to better their teaching sessions within the school and thus providing a better learning experience for your child. Please see our Privacy Policy for more information on how we store and process your data.
h. Confidentiality. All information that we receive, collect or create shall be stored and handled in line with our Data Protection Policy in line with the Data Protection Act 2018 and GDPR.
i. Health and safety. Aveea has its own health and safety policy that all sessions are carried out under. Under no circumstance does Aveea ever defer from this.
j. Emergency Medicine. In the event the child requires administration of emergency medicine, such as administration of adrenaline, requirement of their inhaler or any other first aid, this shall be given/administrated/performed accordingly by a trained professional.
k. Waiver. Any waiver of these Terms and Conditions is only effective if given in writing by and on behalf of the Supervisor.
l. Jurisdiction. These terms were made by Aveea specifically for Aveea Academy, Aveea Workshops and Summer Camps.
m. Media. Aveea takes photographs and videos of all sessions that take place at Aveea, these photos are vetted to ensure they are appropriate for use and uploaded to our website and our associated sites. If you do not want photos of your child to appear on our sites or associated sites, please inform your Aveea Leader.
n. Cancellations. Aveea may cancel any sessions, classes or workshops at any time, refunds will be issued if necessary.