It's an awful part of our world

It's the scale and cost that pupils realise

Utilising imperfect solutions?
The sad reality is that despite the damage done in return for removing the oil, with no other effective solutions, they are the lesser of two evils. Sometimes it is necessary to utilise imperfect solutions, especially when time is a factor. Leaving the oil for longer will naturally cause more damage, but also spread further and further till these seemingly tough decisions become obvious answers.
While we do aim to inspire pupils to take action, we recognise that it’s a large undertaking that many will be intimidated by. How can we possibly make an impact after so many have tried? As cruel as it is to say, these harmful solutions show us that even if we aren’t able to come up with a complete solution, contribute a complete idea, we can still help make an impact.

Oil spills are both an inspiring and depressing tale for humanity. A disaster which we caused is harming both us and the environment, yet it is so integrated into our lives that it is inseparable.
Is prevention a method?
An unfortunate, or perhaps fortunate, aspect of oil spills is that it is very far removed from the common human life. The largest of spills could take place, but the vast majority of people’s lives will remain unchanged.
Perhaps you notice a spike in prices, or see a few pictures on the news, the reality is that it does not majorly affect the ordinary person in a visible manner. That’s why we believe it’s important to raise awareness to these kinds of issues. We all hear about these devastating spills, but then we eventually hear the news that they’ve been dealt with. Phew… right?

But do we actually know what the consequences of what has taken place are? Naturally, spreading fear amongst the population is the last thing which we want, we of course want people to believe that we as the world have things under control. But if we can just raise that understanding just that little bit so that we can come to an understanding of the reality of the situation on our own, perhaps that might be better than hearing words from the news come through one ear and out the other.