Problem solving is everywhere in life...
Problem solving is something which we value greatly at Aveea Academy. We want all our pupils to be able to develop their own skills in problem solving and make full use of their talents. With that being said, what exactly is problem solving? Is that referring to a maths problem? Maybe an exam? A jigsaw? It’s all of them! Problem solving is everywhere in life—it’s a mindset.
Maybe you wake up late, you’ve got 5 minutes to get ready, a perfect example for problem solving. What are you going to do? Panic? Or maybe you’re going to quickly go through your mind the optimal way to get ready the fastest. Maybe you decide that you can skip some parts of your daily routine in this situation. The reason we value problem solving so highly is so that our pupils don’t panic, so that they can come up with the best solution at that moment.

How do we teach this though?

Maths helps us establish a new kind of mindset to approach the world with, maybe it’s in maths that you discover that the order in which you solve an equation might change the outcome.
You can apply that to the real world too. You might need to boil some water in your daily routine, but the kettle is all the way down in the kitchen. You’ve got to change your clothes, brush your teeth, go all the way to the kitchen, but then you’ve got to wait for the kettle. Well, what if we start the kettle before all this? Is it a bit inconvenient to walk all the way to the kitchen and then back? Have we saved any time? Maybe this is just common sense to you and you do this daily, but where exactly did you develop that common sense? It’s completely possible that this is actually less efficient in time, but it’s this mindset that’s getting us thinking about possibilities which is what problem solving is all about.
What if maths isn't my cup of tea?
At Aveea Academy, we throw challenges at pupils that might seem unusual or even seem pointless, maybe it looks as if it’s just for fun. But we hope it’s clear now that everything we do is to help further develop this problem solving mindset.